
Discover your community and contribute by joining one of our ministries today.


There are diverse ministries, each with its unique purpose and calling, yet we are united in serving the same Lord. Just as the body has many parts, each with its function, so too do we, as members of the body of Christ, serve according to the gifts and talents bestowed upon us by God. Our individual ministries may vary, but our ultimate allegiance is to the one Lord, Jesus Christ, who unites us in purpose and mission.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6


Every Sunday all children (babies through 6th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. We are passionate about kids learning about Jesus in a way they can understand, so we do our very best to ensure they leave with a deeper knowledge of the Gospel. Available during Sunday services.


Provides community for ages 16-30 through small groups and various events throughout the year. Email for more information.


Provides a place for you to serve God using your musical giftedness. All musical talents are welcome. Choir meets at 6:30PM on Tuesday’s and 10AM on Saturday’s. Email for more information.

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